
Expanding Your Sphere of Influence: Strategies for Lead Generation and Content Conversion

Summary of “This New Twist on a Marketing Funnel is GENIUS” by Wes McDowell
  1. Perpetual Marketing Machine Concept: Zach Spuckler’s strategy, the “Sphere of Influence,” creates a continuous marketing cycle, engaging prospects consistently until they convert.

  2. Typical Funnel vs. Sphere of Influence: Unlike traditional funnels where many leads are lost, the Sphere of Influence retains and nurtures all prospects, keeping them engaged until they are ready to buy.

  3. Four Key Components:

    • Email List: Central to the strategy, amplifies other components.

    • Core Content: Blogs, podcasts, and YouTube videos that attract organic traffic.

    • Advertising: Primarily Facebook and Instagram ads to grow the email list.

    • Social Media: Engages and provides social proof, expanding reach.

  4. Interconnected System: Each component supports and amplifies the others, creating a self-sustaining cycle. For example, email lists boost social media reach, which in turn enhances core content visibility.

  5. Advertising Strategy: A minimum of $10 a day on lead generation ads and $3-$5 on engagement ads to keep the audience growing and engaged.

  6. Core Content: Includes blogs, podcasts, and YouTube videos which should be SEO-friendly and discoverable to continuously draw in new prospects.

  7. Social Media Strategy: Regular posting, especially reels, to expand reach. Content should be repurposed across platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Pinterest.

  8. Retargeting Audiences: Focus on building and retargeting five key audiences – email list, website traffic, Facebook engagement, Instagram engagement, and video views.

  9. Cost Efficiency: Example case showed acquiring customers through the Sphere of Influence was six times cheaper than cold ads.

  10. Tactical Steps:

    • Grow your email list using lead ads with a compelling lead magnet.

    • Run engagement ads to stay top of mind.

    • Post regularly on social media, focusing on high-reach content.

    • Create valuable, SEO-optimized core content.

    • Communicate regularly with your email list to build and maintain relationships.

Intriguing Sub-Title: Empowering Your Business: Leveraging the Sphere of Influence for Lead Generation and Content Conversion

Introduction: Paragraph 1: In the competitive digital marketing landscape, businesses face the challenge of acquiring and retaining customers while minimizing costs. Building a strong sphere of influence (SOI) has emerged as a powerful strategy to address these challenges. The SOI represents a group of warm prospects nurtured through multiple channels, such as email, content, social media, and advertising, who are more receptive to marketing messages and offers. By leveraging the SOI effectively, businesses can significantly reduce customer acquisition costs and boost conversion rates.

Introduction: Paragraph 2: This comprehensive guide will delve into the concept of SOI, explaining how to effectively use it to generate leads. We’ll explore best practices for building an email list, running engagement ads, and creating content that converts. Additionally, the guide will cover advanced retargeting techniques and the use of long-tail keywords to expand your SOI. By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, businesses can establish a loyal and engaged audience that will drive long-term growth.

Introduction: Paragraph 3: Moreover, we’ll uncover the importance of email segmentation in SOI marketing. By dividing your email list into targeted segments based on interests and behaviors, you can deliver personalized messages that resonate with each group, increasing the likelihood of conversions. Furthermore, we’ll discuss creating content that aligns with your audience’s needs and aspirations and the use of long-tail keywords to reach a more specific and relevant audience.

What is the Sphere of Influence?

What is the Sphere of Influence?

The sphere of influence (SOI) is a marketing concept that refers to a group of individuals who are receptive to a business’s marketing messages and offerings. These individuals have been nurtured through various channels, such as email, content marketing, social media, and advertising, and have demonstrated an interest in the business’s products or services.

The SOI is a valuable asset for businesses as it represents a warm audience that is more likely to convert into customers. By focusing marketing efforts on the SOI, businesses can increase their return on investment (ROI) and build long-term relationships with their customers.

There are several key benefits to building a strong SOI. First, it allows businesses to target their marketing efforts more effectively. By understanding the interests and needs of their SOI, businesses can create targeted marketing campaigns that are more likely to resonate with their audience. Second, a strong SOI can help businesses build trust and credibility. By providing valuable content and engaging with their audience on a regular basis, businesses can establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry and build trust with potential customers.

How to Use the Sphere of Influence to Generate Leads

How to Use the Sphere of Influence to Generate Leads

One of the most effective ways to generate leads within your sphere of influence is through email list building. By offering valuable lead magnets, such as free e-books, webinars, or discounts, you can capture potential customers’ attention and initiate a relationship with them.

To build an email list, start by creating a lead magnet that is relevant to your target audience and provides value. This could be a whitepaper, checklist, case study, or anything else that would be of interest to your ideal customer. Once you have created your lead magnet, promote it through your various marketing channels, such as your website, blog, and social media.

When someone signs up for your lead magnet, be sure to send them a welcome email and add them to your email list. Once they are on your list, you can start nurturing them with valuable content that will help them learn more about your products or services. Over time, these leads will become more familiar with your brand and more likely to convert into customers.

Building an Email List

Building an email list is a crucial step in lead generation. By offering valuable content in exchange for email addresses, you can start to build a relationship with potential customers and nurture them over time.

To build an email list, start by creating a lead magnet that is relevant to your target audience and provides value. This could be a whitepaper, checklist, case study, or anything else that would be of interest to your ideal customer. Once you have created your lead magnet, promote it through your various marketing channels, such as your website, blog, and social media.

When someone signs up for your lead magnet, be sure to send them a welcome email and add them to your email list. Once they are on your list, you can start nurturing them with valuable content that will help them learn more about your products or services. Over time, these leads will become more familiar with your brand and more likely to convert into customers.

Running Engagement Ads

Running engagement ads on social media is another effective way to generate leads. These ads are designed to encourage people to interact with your content, such as liking, commenting, or sharing your posts. This interaction helps to build brand awareness and can lead to conversions.

To create an engagement ad, start by choosing a compelling image or video. Then, write a catchy headline and body copy that will encourage people to take action. Be sure to include a clear call to action, such as “Like our page” or “Visit our website.”

Once you have created your ad, target it to a specific audience. You can target people based on their demographics, interests, and behaviors. This will help you ensure that your ad is seen by people who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.

Engagement ads can be a great way to generate leads and build brand awareness. By following these tips, you can create ads that will encourage people to interact with your content and learn more about your business.

Creating Content that Converts

Creating high-quality content that provides value to your audience is essential for building trust and authority within your sphere of influence. When creating content, focus on solving your audience’s problems, educating them, or entertaining them.

To create content that converts, start by understanding your audience. What are their needs and interests? What kind of content do they find most engaging? Once you understand your audience, you can start to create content that is relevant and valuable to them.

When creating content, focus on providing value. This means creating content that is informative, helpful, and actionable. Avoid creating content that is self-promotional or salesy. Instead, focus on providing your audience with something that they will find genuinely useful.

By creating high-quality content that provides value, you can build trust and authority with your audience. This will make them more likely to do business with you in the future.

Identifying Your Target Audience

Before creating content, it’s important to identify your target audience. This will help you tailor your content to their specific needs and interests.

To identify your target audience, start by understanding your business goals. What are you trying to achieve with your content? Are you trying to generate leads, increase brand awareness, or drive sales? Once you know your goals, you can start to think about who you need to reach to achieve them.

Consider your audience’s demographics, such as age, gender, location, and education level. Also, think about their psychographics, such as their interests, values, and lifestyle. The more you know about your target audience, the better you can tailor your content to their needs.

By identifying your target audience, you can create content that is relevant and engaging. This will help you achieve your business goals and build a strong relationship with your audience.

Choosing the Right Content Format

There are many different types of content that you can create, such as blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, and social media posts. Choosing the right format will depend on your target audience and your goals for the content.

If you want to create content that is informative and in-depth, a blog post or article is a good option. If you want to create content that is visually appealing and easy to share, a video or infographic is a good option. And if you want to create content that is timely and relevant, a social media post is a good option.

Consider your audience’s preferences when choosing a content format. For example, if your audience is more likely to watch videos than read articles, then creating a video would be a good choice. Or, if your audience is more likely to engage with social media content, then creating a social media post would be a good choice.

By choosing the right content format, you can create content that is more likely to resonate with your audience and achieve your goals.

Promoting Your Content

Once you have created your content, it’s important to promote it to your audience. There are many different ways to do this, such as social media, email marketing, and paid advertising.

Social media is a great way to promote your content to a large audience. Share your content on your social media channels and encourage your followers to share it with their followers. You can also use social media to run ads that will target your ideal audience.

Email marketing is another effective way to promote your content. Send out a newsletter to your email list and include links to your latest blog posts, articles, and videos. You can also use email marketing to segment your audience and send them targeted content that is relevant to their interests.

Paid advertising is a great way to reach a large audience quickly. You can use paid advertising to place your content in front of people who are searching for information related to your topic. You can also use paid advertising to target specific demographics and interests.

By promoting your content through a variety of channels, you can reach a larger audience and achieve your marketing goals.

Advanced Retargeting Techniques

Retargeting is a powerful technique for staying top-of-mind with potential customers who have already interacted with your brand. By using advanced retargeting techniques, you can segment your audience based on their behavior and deliver personalized ads that encourage them to take the next step.

One way to use advanced retargeting is to segment your audience based on their stage in the sales funnel. For example, you could create a retargeting campaign for people who have visited your website but have not yet made a purchase. This campaign could include ads that offer a discount or free shipping on their first purchase.

Another way to use advanced retargeting is to segment your audience based on their interests. For example, you could create a retargeting campaign for people who have viewed a specific product on your website. This campaign could include ads that feature the product and provide more information about its benefits.

By using advanced retargeting techniques, you can create more personalized and effective retargeting campaigns. This can help you increase your conversion rates and grow your business.

Segmenting Your Audience

Segmenting your audience based on their behavior allows you to deliver more targeted ads. For example, you could create segments for people who have visited your website, added items to their cart, or made a purchase.

Segmenting your audience can help you create more relevant and effective ads. For example, you could send a discount code to people who have added items to their cart but have not yet made a purchase. Or, you could send a product recommendation email to people who have purchased a specific product.

To segment your audience, you can use a variety of data, such as their demographics, interests, and behavior. You can also use data from your website and email marketing campaigns to segment your audience.

By segmenting your audience, you can create more targeted and effective marketing campaigns. This can help you increase your conversion rates and grow your business.

Creating Personalized Ads

Personalized ads are more likely to be effective than generic ads. When creating your ads, use your audience’s segmentation data to tailor your message to their specific needs and interests.

For example, if you are targeting a segment of people who have visited your website but have not yet made a purchase, you could create an ad that offers a discount on their first purchase. Or, if you are targeting a segment of people who have purchased a specific product, you could create an ad that recommends other products that they might be interested in.

You can use a variety of data to personalize your ads, such as your audience’s demographics, interests, behavior, and purchase history. You can also use data from your website and email marketing campaigns to personalize your ads.

By creating personalized ads, you can increase the relevance and effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. This can help you increase your conversion rates and grow your business.

Tracking Your Results

It’s important to track the results of your retargeting campaigns to see what’s working and what’s not. This will help you improve your campaigns over time.

There are a number of metrics that you can track to measure the success of your retargeting campaigns, such as:

  • Click-through rate (CTR)
  • Conversion rate
  • Return on investment (ROI)

You can track these metrics using a variety of tools, such as Google Analytics and Facebook Ads Manager.

Once you have tracked the results of your campaigns, you can use this information to improve your campaigns over time. For example, if you see that a particular ad has a low CTR, you could try changing the ad copy or the targeting.

By tracking your results and making improvements over time, you can create more effective retargeting campaigns that will help you achieve your business goals.

Wrapping up

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively expand your sphere of influence, generate more leads, and convert more customers. Remember, building a strong sphere of influence takes time and consistent effort. By providing value, building relationships, and using targeted marketing techniques, you can create a loyal and engaged audience that will support your business for the long term.

Key Takeaways:

  • The sphere of influence is a valuable asset for businesses as it represents a warm audience that is more likely to convert into customers.
  • There are several effective ways to generate leads within your sphere of influence, such as email list building and running engagement ads.
  • Creating high-quality content that provides value to your audience is essential for building trust and authority within your sphere of influence.
  • Using advanced retargeting techniques can help you deliver more personalized ads that encourage your audience to take the next step.
  • Tracking the results of your retargeting campaigns is important for improving your campaigns over time.

By following these tips, you can build a strong sphere of influence that will help you achieve your business goals.


Multiple Choice

  1. What is the sphere of influence in marketing?

(a) A group of potential customers who are receptive to a business’s marketing messages (b) A group of customers who have already purchased from a business (c) A group of followers on social media (d) A group of influencers who promote a business’s products or services

  1. Which of the following is an effective way to generate leads within your sphere of influence?

(a) Email list building (b) Running engagement ads (c) Creating high-quality content (d) All of the above

  1. What is the key to creating content that converts?

(a) Providing value to your audience (b) Using catchy headlines (c) Including lots of images (d) Promoting your content on social media


  1. Retargeting is a technique for reaching people who have never interacted with your brand before.

  2. Segmenting your audience allows you to deliver more targeted ads.

  3. It is not important to track the results of your retargeting campaigns.

Answer Key

Multiple Choice

  1. (a)
  2. (d)
  3. (a)


  1. False
  2. True
  3. False


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