The Fastest Way To Build A Massive Targeted Email List With Simple Traffic Generating Checklist Chrome Extensions That People Love!

Watch The Video For Live Proof & See Insane Results!

Build Massive Email Lists Fast

Create high quality Chrome extension Lead Magnets that people actually want and will happily optin to get access.

No Complicated Funnels

Save time on complicated funnels. LeadBlasta uses a simple optin lock system that works faster & gets results.

It Takes Just Minutes To Build

These checklist chrome extensions drive tons of optins and they can be done with or without your own content.
In fact a curated collection of tips, tools, FAQ's or steps get high optins rates.

The Traffic Advantage

Ready made traffic from the chrome store & search traffic from easy rankings for your chrome extension page. Google like to rank Google properties (see proof below)

Watch The 30 Minute 'Pre Recorded' Mini-Webinar

Discover My 3 High Level Secrets To Rapid 'Targeted' List Building!...

Forget Everything You've Ever Learned About List Building Conversions! This Is Simpler, Faster & Guaranteed To Drive Targeted Traffic and Grow Hack Your List Building Today (and Everyday) As Well As Generate Sales & Affiliate Commissions Even Without Needing Any Complicated Marketing Funnels or Landing Pages!

5000 Downloads For My Chrome Extension
(Without Much Promotion)
chrome store screenshot - youtube seo checklist 5000 chrome extension users
Google And Hold Their Rankings Too!
(Despite Heavy Competition)
 In Fact, Simple Chrome Extensions Get 10's of 1000's Of Installs (And Targeted Options)
(And Targeted Optins)

Get Powerful Results For Your Business!

"As you can see from the screenshots above, the results can be powerful for your business!

Starting from the first campaigns which we built to give away for an internal launch which got 3000+ downloads and optins, which ranks too (above some popular influencers and experts in the SEO niche)....and its still ranking despite those people optimizing for the same keyword. 

"Imagine How Fast You Can Build Your Email List, Drive Targeted Traffic Daily & Profit!"

In fact, we don't have to imagine, here's my own results after we added an optin form to my YouTube SEO checklist...


(Still Consistent Results Daily Without Any Promotion)

So, After just one month and with traffic only from the easiest SEO rankings ever! 

We have  been averaging 42 optins daily 

That may not sound a lot but...

Over a week that's 297 targeted email optins weekly
...or 1,316 monthly Or... 15,792 per year!

But here's the real kicker... this is without any promotion!

So it's barely started with traffic

AND...this is only ONE checklist Chrome extension...

Imagine you had TEN of these (all getting the same MODEST results)

That would be 420 Optins daily, 2,940 targeted optins weekly....and 13,020 email optins monthly

Over a Year With Just 10 apps Performing At The Same Rate

That Would Be 15,240 Email Optins

Wow, Crazy Numbers right?

The truth is that its not hard to find hugely popular topics and in just about any niche!

And you can do what i did, and simply collect and curate the best content from top experts

Don’t Take My Word For It, Lets See The LeadBlasta Software In Action!


Create Your Checklist Categories and List Items

Creating your checklists is really easy and it can be anything from a short top 5 tips guide to a full blown and in depth checklist with multiple categories.

The truth is that both can work really well.

Just get started, and even when you have uploaded the checklist to the chrome store, you can update it any time from within your LeadBlasta dashboard via our unique api publishing feature that allows you to tweak your content and even design in real time from LeadBlasta to the Chrome browser.


Add Videos, Images, Banner & CTA's

Apart from creating simple checklists you can also embed videos from YouTube, images and we even have a banner maker tool that creates perfectly sized banners for your chrome extension as well as multiple options for more hyperlink call to action links too where you can recommend more content, products or add your affiliate links.

The most important part is adding your optin form and you can integrate with multiple email service providers as well as Twillio for SMS marketing to use with our simple optin lock strategy that converts really well.

We also have a fully built out SMS marketing platform with ability to do SMS broadcasts or drip sequences (these are great for getting people to attend events like webinars and increase your attendances and ultimately your sales)

LeadBlasta is built for marketing!


Publish & Get Traffic!

When you have finished you can download a zip file which you simply upload into the chrome store. 
We have video tutorial and step by step guide with screenshots to show you what to do.
Its simple, it takes just a few minutes and then you will get your checklist chrome extension on the chrome store as soon as the Google Chrome store team approves it.

Still Undecided?... Here's The Clincher...

Getting Rankings For High Search Volume Keywords Is EASY!

Below is a Screenshot Using a Rank Checker To Show 'Non Personalized' Page One Results for This 2,900 Search Volume Keyword...

(I Optimized For This Keyword By Simply Adding a Paragraph To The Chrome Extension Description a Week Ago)

Keyword Targeted - What Is YouTube SEO

Search Volume - 2,900 Per Month


Also Ranking On Page One For Another 2,900 Search Volume COMPETITIVE Keyword...

Keyword Targeted - YouTube For SEO

Search Volume - 2,900 Per Month


Also Ranking On Page One For Another MUCH MORE COMPETITIVE Keyword...

Keyword Targeted - YouTube SEO

Search Volume - 2,900 Per Month


In Fact, Look At The Screenshot Below

I Am Literally Picking Keywords Off At Will, With 'Snipers Precision'

This is Wild Crazy Stuff!...


The Very REAL LeadBlasta Advantage

You Can Get Results Faster With LeadBlasta Than Time Consuming Blogging, Content Marketing Promotions or By Creating Complicated Sales Funnels

Given That The First Goal Of a Funnel and The End Goal of a Blog Post is 'Often' To Build Email Lists Let's Compare...

Title goes here

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis sed nostrud exercitation laboris.

Pros (The LeadBlasta Advantage)

  • Create Your First Lead Magnet In an Hour or Less
    If you know your subject well you can knock these out really fast, or you can curate them using a collection of top tips or similar from other peoples content and then you need to upload your extension to the chrome store and add your description.
  • $19.97 a Year For a LeadBlasta App
    Current we are selling LeadBlasta at $19.97 per app for a year if you buy the 10 app package, that's really low cost for what can be achieved with these super powerful lead magnets
  • Super Fast Ready Made Traffic To Massive Email List Building
    You don't even need to do much here as there are 2 billion chrome users according to Forbes and most people that i know uses chrome extensions and therefore searches for them. Its a massive, ready made traffic platform and its virtually untouched.
  • You Don't Need Complicated Funnels To Build a Massive List
    You don't even need a landing page or squeeze page or even a thank you delivery page, just add an optin lock to your app and watch your list build like magic
  •  Extra Traffic Promotion Is Easy Due To The Power Of The Chrome Store To Rank Your Chrome Extension Page On Google
    You don't even need to know anything about SEO, just watch my case study videos and you'll see how super easy it is to rank (even for competitive keywords).
  • LeadBlasta Is Super Fast, Uncomplicated and Very Scalable.
    Its also a lot of fun as you get to see your work paying off and you'll see fast results coming in which gets you REAL focused.... and its inexpensive! So You Can Easily Scale This Up (Even With Virtual Assistants!)

Cons (Complicated Funnels or Blogging)

  • It Can Take Days or Weeks Just To Create and Format Content And That's Before You Even Start Promoting It
  • Can Cost Hundreds of Dollars Monthly
    Tools that create funnels can cost hundreds of dollars every month, they sometimes have a steep learning curve and many people don't even get out of the gate before they quit. Meanwhile blogging content can cost either time or a hefty whack of money depending on the quality.
  • You Need To Either Buy Traffic or Wait and Hope You Get Rankings
    Most people don't know SEO well enough to get rankings for multiple traffic getting keywords and to drive traffic in the same way that LeadBlasta does then takes paid traffic from PPC normally which is another learning curve and delay which can be costly if you don't know what you are doing
  • You Do Need Multi Page Funnels To Build a Massive List
    In fact, you'll likely need many of them to build a list at the same pace as LeadBlasta which is a simple all-in-one solution for marketers or business owners of all levels of experience.
  • Look, By The Time You Have Done All That Work...
    You don't even know what to expect when you get to the point where you can actually start promoting.
  • You've Invested time and money and you're 'hoping' it will pay off. 
    In fact, let's be honest, many folks have given up long before this point or they just can't scale it, not in the same way as LeadBlasta.

Anthony Hayes
(LeadBasta Creator)

"I Wish We Had Built This Sooner!"

"Over the past 4 years i have been using simple checklist lead magnets to build my email list, get more attendees on webinars and use as high quality bonuses for affiliate promotions.

However, despite the thousands of email optins and the and the tens of thousands of dollars generated in increased revenue due to these interactive chrome extension lead magnets, i never fully grasped the enormity of what we had until we created LeadB

Here's what i know for a fact after using this brilliant new lead magnet creator software tool...I wish we had built it sooner!"

LeadBlasta Changes The Way 

I Will Do Marketing From This Day Forward
It Can Be For You Too!

  1. You can build massive email lists really fast!
  2. Despite spending several days blogging, i got very little results from it compared to the near instant results of hundreds of email optins in the same period from the chrome extension lead magnet.
  3. Despite thinking that i was going to need extra squeeze pages, landing pages, thank you pages and more complicated funnels, the opposite is actually true....That is, that you do not need any of that, you do not need any complicated funnels at all.

My conclusion

LeadBlasta has bypassed two of the hardest and most time consuming activities of building an online business.

Those are Blogging and Funnel Building...

Those are not only time consuming tasks, they are also expensive to do with expensive hosting, funnel software and content to pay for and hard to maintain with consistency too.

The massive email list building that's actually happening with LeadBlasta in just days gives us an option to simplify and remove the need for these complicated these tasks, so... instead of spending days blogging every week or month (which then requires weeks of promotion  to get any real benefit from, like... grow my email list) i can now achieve the same goal in a much easier, better and much more profitable way AND expect to get better results by building out more lead magnets instead!

This can still be content marketing, but in way that i have more control, faster, easier and with less stress, but... in a different format that is actually proven to drive thousands of email optins weekly.

So, if you're like me...

Now, instead of long and laborious blog posts you can build a few of these checklists out in the same time instead and have them working for you 24/7 with not that much effort needed for promotion before you start getting results!

For me personally going forward 

This is getting the exact results that i intended blogging to do for me but never really had the time to put in the proper effort or willingness to spend hundreds of dollars per blog post to get it done for me.

What are the goals?

  1. Build a targeted email list easily that are both scalable, and teachable for my team to replicate
  2. Nurture those lists to build up the 'know, like and trust factor'
  3. Cement that audience relationship with nurturing, and by sharing consistent quality insights and strategies, simply by creating more of these 'easy to do' apps that drive even more traffic.
  4. Re-market to that audience with my own products and quality affiliate marketing promotions that fit the audience and can provide  real value to them while i get to make sales and revenue.

Can these goals be met with LeadBlasta?

Honestly, YES!

- Your list building growth can be much bigger and faster, by spending the same time creating more of these chrome extension apps rather than blog posts

- And keep any sales funnels simplified, but very strategic in order to multiply the traffic.


By offering extra tools, apps, easy to produce training or content, and ...By using really simple funnels that are fast and make it easy to create multiple angles for each campaign.

This is growth hacking by definition, and this is LeadBlasta and it changes everything!


Try the software for 7 days for just ONE Dollar

You Can Cancel At Any Time

If You Choose To Cancel You Get To Keep Any Chrome Extensions You Have Built
After Cancellation You Will Not Have Some Features

Email Optin, Video Embed, SMS System, Push Notifications and Banner Ads Will be Disabled




Secure Checkout

Anthony Hayes

Product Creator

Hi, Since 2011 I have been teaching SEO and traffic strategies after a spell doing local marketing.I believe that automation is hugely important to be successful in traffic generation online today and my tools are designed to kickstart your campaigns... Our tools have been used to drive traffic for years and have helped tens of thousands of marketers and helped to build a hard core following.

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