Time before this webinar replay is removed.

Why Almost Everything You've Heard About Email List Building is Dead Wrong... See LIVE Proof!

Revealed: Rapid Email List Building Without Funnels!

Watch the full replay video above to see exactly how we've turned the typical List Building approach on its head... and more than doubled email optins and traffic as a result! Please note that this replay will only be available for a limited time, so make sure to watch it today, before you miss out.

Averaging 34 Optins Per Day On Autopilot With Organic Traffic

One Week Later And Still Going Strong...

After 27 Days And Still Going Strong...

The LeadBlasta Email List Building Advantage

Over the past 4 years i have been using simple checklist lead magnets to build my email list, get more attendees on webinars and use as high quality bonuses for affiliate promotions.

However, despite the thousands of email optins and the and the tens of thousands of dollars generated in increased revenue sure to these interactive chrome extension lead magnets i never fully grasped the enormity of what we had until we created LeadBlasta.

Here's what i know for a fact after just a couple of weeks of having this new lead magnet creator software tool...

  1. You can Build Massive Email Lists Really fast!
  2. Despite spending several days blogging, i got very little results from it compared to the near instant results of hundreds of email optins in the same period from the chrome extension lead magnet.
  3. Despite thinking that i was going to need extra squeeze pages, landing pages, thank you pages and more complicated funnels, the opposite is actually true....That is, that you do not need any of that, you do not need any complicated funnels at all.

My conclusion

LeadBlasta has so far, bypassed two of the hardest and most time consuming activities of building an online business.

Those are Blogging and Funnel Building!

Those are not only time consuming tasks, they are also expensive to do with expensive hosting, funnel software and content to pay for. 

The massive email list building that's actually happening with LeadBlasta in just days gives us an option to simplify and un-complicate these tasks and instead of spending days blogging, which then requires weeks of promotion i can arguably better and much more profitable results by instead building out more lead magnets.

This can still be content marketing, but in a different format that drives thousands of email optins weekly with just a few of these checklists working for you 24/7 with not that much effort needed for promotion.

For me personally going forward, this is getting the exact results that i intended blogging to do for me but never really had the time to put in the proper effort or willingness to spend hundreds of dollars per blog post to get it done for me.

What are the goals?

Build a targeted email list

Nurture that list to build up the 'know, like and trust factor'

Cement that audience with consistent quality insights and strategies.

Re-market to that audience with my own products and affiliate marketing promotions that fit the audience and have real value.

Can these goals be met with LeadBlasta?

Honestly, from what we have seen so far then yes and it can be bigger, faster by spending time creating more apps rather than blog posts and keep any funnels simplified but very strategic to multiply the traffic.


By leveraging referral marketing when offering extra tools, apps, training or content and by using really simple funnels but more of them using multiple angles for each campaign.

Join us in the email list building bootcamp to see how all of this works and see if you can meet the challenge of growing to 1000 email subscribers in 30 days.

This is growth hacking by definition, this is LeadBlasta


Anthony Hayes

Product Creator

Hi, Since 2011 I have been teaching SEO and traffic strategies after a spell doing local marketing. I believe that automation is hugely important to be successful in traffic generation online today and my tools are designed to kickstart your campaigns... Our tools have been used to drive traffic for years and have helped tens of thousands of marketers and helped to build a hard core following.

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